2007年2月15日 星期四

228 國家紀念公園

bamboo room

Professor, students win design competition for Taiwan peace park

By Kathleen Maclay, Media Relations | 29 March 2006

BERKELEY – A professor and two students of landscape architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, have won an international design competition with their vision for a 15-acre park in Taiwan that will serve as a national memorial and monument to peace.

Professor Judith Stilgenbauer worked with graduate students Kit Shihting Wang and Calder Gillin to obtain first prize in the "228 National Memorial Park" competition sponsored by the Taiwanese government and will help guide construction of the park, which is in the city of Chiayi.

來 自加州大學柏克萊分校(UC, Berkeley)景觀建築研究所的兩位學生 Shihting Wang 與 Calder Gillin ,以及 Judith Stilgenbauer 教授,剛獲得即將設立於嘉義的「228 國家紀念公園」規劃設計首獎,並將協助完成園區設計。

其中 Shihting Wang 出身於台灣,因此提供許多第一手資訊,讓整個團隊對於台灣政經、歷史、景觀有相當的認識,使得設計可以在17個參賽隊伍中脫穎而出。

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